A clean, modest, and neat appearance is very important at Holy House. Following the uniform regulations will aid students in cultivating the virtues of modesty and orderliness, and will create a unified atmosphere where each person is valued and respected as a child of God.

General Appearance

  1. All students should look and smell clean. Hair should be neatly styled; no unnatural hair colouring or streaking.

  2. Boys’ hair may not hang below the collar. Facial hair must be kept neat and trimmed.

  3. Students who are 10 years and older should wear deodorant.

  4. Visible tattoos, body art, or body-piercing jewellery are strictly prohibited. Excessive jewellery, such as chandelier earrings, ankle bracelets, etc. are strictly forbidden for girls as well as boys. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings of any kind.

  5. No head coverings are allowed in the building, i.e. caps or hats; however, girls may wear chapel veils for Mass.

  6. Hoodies/athletic sweatshirts or non-uniform sweaters or jackets may not be worn during class or at Mass/prayer.

  7. We encourage the use of laundry products and practices that keep dark clothing from fading and white clothing from turning dingy and greyish.

Footwear: Students must wear black shoes (not running shoes or sneakers) while at Holy House. They also should have an appropriate pair of indoor shoes for gym class.

Uniform requirements for Holy House are found in the charts below. Bold Font denotes uniform items that must be purchased from Elegant Design, through Holy House. All other items may be purchased elsewhere. All pricing refers to Elegant Design.

Holy House has a number of second-hand uniform items available for sale. Please contact the uniform coordinator through office@edmonton.holyhouse.ca for details on availability and cost of used items, or for other uniform-related questions.